IWIN-FINS Lab has successfully been supported by the CCF-NSFOCUS “Kungpeng” Research Foundation (CCF-绿盟科技”鲲鹏”科研基金)! Congratulations!
5th October, 2021
One paper has been accepted by IEEE RA-L, a TOP journal in the robotics field. Congratulations to Chengye Liao!
4th September, 2023
Five papers have been accepted by IFAC World Congress 2023. Congratulations to Yushan Li, Xiangyu Mao, Zitong Wang, Chendi Qu, and Yan Zhong!
4th March, 2023
One paper has been accepted by IEEE TAC (Full Paper), a TOP journal in the control field. Congratulations to Yushan Li!
4th August, 2023
IWIN-FINS Lab Wishes Everybody a Happy New Year!
31st December, 2019
Group members attended the Chinese Control Conference 2019
Guangzhou, China
31st August, 2019
Congratulations! A paper has won IEEE VTC2020-Fall Best Conference Paper Award Runner-up!
30th October, 2020
Two papers are accepted by IROS 2022, congratulations to Xuechao Zhang and Jialun Li!
30th June, 2022
One paper has been accepted by IEEE ICRA 2024, a TOP conference in the robotics field. Congratulations to Yinghan Wang!
30th January, 2024
One paper has been accepted by CoRL 2023, a TOP conference in the robotics and machine learning field. Congratulations to Xuechao Zhang!
30th August, 2023
A journal paper is accepted by IEEE TNSE, congratulations to Mingjing Sun!
3rd December, 2020
The Junzheng Project of Han Wang is honored as Excellent Project, congratulations!
29th February, 2020